What is hazardous waste?

Hazardous waste is all types of waste which are harmful to people and the environment. Therefore it can't be handled as ordinary residual waste.

It is important to know what hazardous waste is

Hazardous waste must be collected separately to ensure that the hazardous substances are treated in an environmentally sound manner. It is therefore important to know what hazardous waste is so it doesn't end up in the bin.

Look for the hazard symbols

You can usually see on the packaging whether it is hazardous waste. Look for the following danger symbols:




Examples of hazard waste


Batteries: All types of batteries, i.e. brownstone, alkaline, NiCd, mercury and lithium batteries as well as all types of car batteries.


Photographic fluids: Both developer and fixer fluid.


Fireworks (unused and legal): Hand them over to the reception area for hazardous waste at the recycling stations on Havnegade or Snapindvej.


Fireworks (discarded): Place in the bin at home (residual waste) or hand in the container for incineration waste at the recycling station.


Fireworks (illegal): Contact the police.


Poison: Toxic residues from the control of weeds, pests, fungus, etc.


Needles: Delivered at the pharmacy.


Needles from proffesion: Not accepted at the pharmacy. Companies with needle waste must contact customer service at kundeservice@odenserenovation.dk or 63 13 82 00 to be registered with the municipal scheme for clinical risk waste.


Chlorine-containing waste: Stain removers, capacitors, transformers, drilling or cutting oils, etc.


Artificial fertiliser: All types of fertiliser, both solid and liquid.


Mercury-containing waste: Old thermometers, light sources such as energy-saving bulbs and fluorescent tubes as well as certain button batteries, etc.


Paint: All kinds of paint. Must be delivered in closed buckets and pails. Also empty buckets.


Medical waste from households: Hand it in at the pharmacy or at the reception area for hazardous waste at the recycling station on Snapindvej.


Medical waste from proffesion: Hand it in at the reception area for hazardous waste at the recycling station on Snapindvej. The pharmacy does not accept medicine residues from profession.


Oil: All types of oil (engine oil, lubricating oil, rust protection, etc.). Must be delivered in a closed container.

Oil filters: From cars, motor lawnmowers, etc.


Solvents: Turpentine, kerosene, petrol, cellulose thinner, etc.


Spray cans: All types of pressure cans with propellant, also empty.


Acids and bases: Acetic acid, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, alcohol, drain cleaner, caustic soda, etc.


PCB-containing joint tape: Joint tape from the period 1950-1977. Must be handed in at the reception area for hazardous waste at the recycling station on Snapindvej or Havnegade.


PCB-containing capacitors in light fittings: All PCB-containing capacitors in light fittings manufactured before 2004 must be handed over to the hazardous waste reception area on Snapindvej or Havnegade.


Weapons & ammunition: Must be handed over to the police.